Water-saving showering - Upfallshower
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Upfall Shower users saved more than 100,000,000 liters of drinking water and a lot of energy last year!
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Sustainable showering and saving a lot of gas with your central heating

The Upfallshower models that will be delivered from the summer of 2023 no longer require a central heating system with a boiler. A normal resume is sufficient. However, all Upfalls delivered before that delivery date will only work properly in combination with a central heating system with an internal boiler.

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Shower for an hour and a half with a 200 liter boiler

If you buy a new house or want to make it more sustainable with a boiler, it is important to pay attention to the size. A standard water heater usually has a capacity of no more than 200 liters, which means that you can only shower for 20 minutes with a rain shower. However, with a properly installed and insulated Upfallshower you can shower for an hour and a half.

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Which boiler do I need?

How many liters of boiler do I need? How many liters of hot water per shower? With a 200 liter boiler you can shower for barely 20 minutes with a rain shower.

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Small boiler, fewer solar panels

A smaller boiler is not only cheaper to purchase but also to use and you also need fewer solar panels.

To spare

Upfall shower with continuous water heater

The most ideal solution is to install a 13kW Clage instantaneous water heater that can provide the Upfall and also a washbasin with hot water. Only energy consumption during use, no energy loss to a hot water storage such as a boiler. This small instantaneous water heater can be installed directly behind the glass of the Upfall. Please note that when using an instantaneous water heater, the water pressure is sufficient!

You get a boiler? Then watch this video

A boiler will cost you more than you want

Nice words from many satisfied customers!